Kids Ability Levels

At the Big White Kids' Centre we run many different group levels for young skiers and snowboarders every day - from complete beginner to little ripper!

Please note: these descriptions provide the minimum requirements for registration in each ability level in a group environment.



Age: 3 to 4 Years
Ready Teddies - Kids Carpet
Ready Teddys
  • This is my first time on skis.
  • I will learn how to balance and walk on two skis.
  • I will learn to straight run and stop without assistance on a gentle slope.
  • My lessons will be on the Kids Carpet.
This is the level where I will learn the basics of sliding and stopping.


Eager Elephants - Magic Carpet
Ready Teddys
  • I can safely ride the Kids Carpet.
  • I can stand up straight with my equipment on.
  • I will learn to control my speed, turn and stop using a snow plow, without an edgie wedgie.
  • My lessons will be on the Magic Carpet.
This is the level where I will learn how to turn using a snowplow and to follow my instructor.


Speedy Squirrels - Plaza
Ability levels
  • I can stop and turn in control confidently without an edgie wedgie.
  • I am learning to put on my equipment without assistance and stand up by myself.
  • I will learn to ride Plaza chairlift when supervised.
  • My lesson will be on runs off the Plaza chairlift.
This is the level where I will learn how to use a chairlift with a little bit of help and how to ski on the plaza chair by myself.


Jumping Joeys - Green
Ability levels
  • I can put my equipment on without assistance.
  • I can stop and turn in a snow plow.
  • I can do 3 runs consecutively from the Plaza chair without needing a break.
  • I will be learning to start to match my skis on gentle terrain.
  • I will learn the rules for staying safe on the mountain.
This is the level where I will learn to ski up at the top of the mountain and to tackle all of the green runs by myself.


Racing Racoons - Blue
Ability levels
  • I can ski comfortably on all green runs on the mountain.
  • I will learn how to safely use poles.
  • I can control my speed through turn shape.
  • I am regularly skiing on blue runs.
  • I will learn how to approach bumps and challenging snow conditions.
This is the level where I will learn to ski on blue runs and ungroomed trails with my first set of poles. I will move to the next age group when I turn 5 years old.


Contact us to register:

Direct: 250-491-6101
Toll Free: 1-866-491-9040

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