Beginner Skills Area


Located at the south end of the Happy Valley Adventure Park. The skills park offers a safe and stress-free environment for entry level mountain bikers to gain confidence before heading to the chairlift and entering the main bike park downhill trail network.

The Beginner Skills Park consists of three zones:

Light Green Zone: An introduction into mountain biking with three small features

Green Zone: Introduces the decision-making process while riding, with three features closer together

Dark Green Zone: Introduces the concept of riding up and over features while keeping your tires on the ground.


Big White Skills area


Big White Beginner Skills area


Big White Beginner Skills area


Big White Beginner Skills area


Big White Beginner Skills area


Big White Beginner Skills area


South end of the Happy Valley Adventure Park

The area is free for public use - no lift ticket required. Use at your own risk.

Please note: The area is unsupervised. You are responsible to familiarize yourself with the rules,  safety guidelines and instructional signage at the top of the terrain before entering.

Helmets are mandatory. Children must be supervised.

Washrooms are located  in the main Village Centre.

If you’re new to mountain biking we suggest booking at lesson with our bike school. Our instructor use the skills park and beginner trails to make for a safe and fun riding experience.

The use of ski area premises and facilities and participation in activities at Big White Ski Resort Ltd. is subject to the conditions set out in the Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks and Indemnity Agreement (the “Release Agreement”).
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Smoke Free Big White

Smoking of any kind (including tobacco, marijuana, e-cigarettes and vaporizers) is strictly prohibited anywhere on Big White Ski Resort property outside of designated smoking areas. Applies to summer and winter seasons. Mountain Safety Info >>

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